Swedish Massage is a gentle relaxing massage incorporating effleurage techniques (long slow manipulation) to soothe the body and mind. This massage is designed to induce a sense of peace and relaxation; however, it does increase blood flow to the body to rid the body of toxins and aid the immune system. It reduces stress, both emotionally and physically, and is highly suggested in a regular program of stress management.
Therapeutic Massage*
Therapeutic Massage will use different techniques to:
stop spasming muscles,
stretch and realign muscle fibers and fascia,
break up scar tissue,
release trigger points,
and remove debris and waste from injured muscles.
All of this speeds the healing of the damaged muscle, while relieving pain and discomfort. Therapeutic massage can help an acute, chronic or aching injury.
Deep Tissue Massage*
Deep Tissue Massage refers to various regimens or massage styles that are directed toward the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia. Some of the technique focuses on the physiological release of tension or bonds in tissues in order to affect the various layers of fascia that support muscle tissues and loosen bonds between the layers of connective tissues.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal Massage is a gentle massage designed to relax and ease the discomforts of pregnancy. This will improve circulation and the overall well-being of the mother and baby.
Chair Massage
Chair Massage is performed while the client is seated. This massage is done mostly through the clothing and without lubrication. The head, shoulders, arms, back and hips are massaged.
Hot Stone Massage*
Hot Stone Massage uses heat and therapeutic instruments (stones) in the treatment of soft tissue. The common elements are a combination of stones, massage and temperature, along with a number of techniques to make the stone treatment unique.
* Denotes that hourly massage rates differ from the relaxation massage rates.